(Maya 2017 and higher)
Be sure to REFERENCE the file in to your set (NOT import).
First: Install AnimSchoolPicker.
Malcolm v200 Picker - Body
Malcolm v200 Picker - Face
Malcolm v200 Picker - Outfits
Place the malcolm_v200.ma file in a known location.
Reference the file malcolm_v200.ma. File>Create Reference. Point it to the malcolm_v200.ma file
Now open AnimSchoolPicker and the picker files to select the controls.
Guide to using the Malcolm rig:
If you experience crashing using this rig: Maya has made very large changes in the last few versions which
make rigs more likely to crash Maya. Here are a few things you
can try.
If you're using Maya 2018 First try installing Maya 2018
Update 4 or 5. If you're using Maya 2019, try the latest
update version. (Updates are available on the Updates tab on autodesk's site)
If that doesn't fix it: Next, assuming Parallel execution
mode is on, try turning on or off GPU Override:
Next try: Viewport, Renderer>Viewport 2.0 Options, Turn
off Consolidate World.
If that doesn't help, change
Mode to DG instead of Parallel. That will make the scene
playback slower but normally solves all rig crashing issues because Maya
is no longer trying to multi-thread the rig calculations.
the public version NOW includes the full outfits for the scientist and
cowboy villain. Those used to be exclusively for students and original
crowdfund backers but are now for the public as well.
For questions, go here: