AnimSchool is Now Accredited

AnimSchool is now accredited by ACCSC.

AnimSchool Accreditation
AnimSchool Joins the Educational Institutions of the Accredited World
AnimSchool is now accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC), starting 2/1/2020.

ACCSC is a recognized accrediting agency by the U.S. Department of Education.
ACCSC: 2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 302 Arlington, Virginia 22201 Phone: 703.247.4212
What is Accreditation and Why is it Important?
Should Your School Be Accredited
Accreditation is an evaluation process for schools to maintain standards of educational quality set by an accrediting body like ACCSC. It helps establish the validity of the programs of study a school offers.

Internal and external processes evaluate AnimSchool's programs to ensure that they meet relevant academic standards. The accreditors themselves are regulated by the U.S. Department of Education.

Accreditation shows students and potential applicants that AnimSchool has met and is maintaining high level of standards set by the accrediting agency. To become accredited, schools must demonstrate compliance with the agency's standards of accreditation, which monitors areas like student success rates, educational assessment, advisory board reviews, financial soundness, advertising statement accuracy, and admissions policies.

The goal of accreditation is to ensure that the education provided by schools meets the level of quality expected by the accrediting agency, which helps students in deciding which institution to attend.

Accredited institutions are evaluated through external reviews and internal review processes to ensure that the accreditation standards are being met on an ongoing basis.

Most schools like colleges, universities and K-12 schools are accredited. Accreditation helps the public, other schools and potential employers by ensuring that the educational programs offered have attained a level that meets standards developed by experts in that field.

To find out more about accreditation, see

Start your application here.
If you are looking for a qualified 3D animation school, we can help. If you don’t know how to begin, review our website and contact us for more information. We are glad to help. AnimSchool students have access to industry professionals and helpful supplemental classes. AnimSchool has a job placement rate of 86% for the most recent reporting period.
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