Class Catalog

Class Details

Fall 2024: 3D Character Program / Rigging Automation
TERM DATES: Sep 29, 2024 - Dec 14, 2024
LEVEL: Intermediate 
COURSE PREREQUISITES: Introduction to Rigging, Advanced Rigging, Intermediate Rigging
5. Rigging Automation
There are many parts of CG pipeline that can be automated and made simpler by writing code. Modern rigging for instance does not rely on hand-making rig parts for each character.

Many companies have Pipeline TD or Engineering departments responsible for automating the daily tasks of artists. And of course programming skills can be very beneficial for artists themselves.

After taking this class an animator, modeler or a rigger will learn how to make their process faster and easier through writing code that will take care of the tedious parts of their work.
- Functions, Classes, Object Oriented Programing.
- Python and Mel Scripting
- Pseudo-Code and Structure
- Inheritance
- Building IK/FK Classes
- Sub-Packages
-Developing a Utility Scripts Library
critique time *
class time
Monday 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Jack Cow
Jack is currently a Senior Character Rigger at Giant Squid. With 15 years of experience working in TV animation and video game productions, he is well-versed on the subject of character rigging and animation in general.
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